Bob needs to mix 2 cups of liquid lemonade. Concentrate with three point five cups of water to make lemonade

To make 2 cups of liquid lemonade, Bob will need to mix lemonade concentrate with water in a specific ratio.

The given ratio is 1 part concentrate to 3.5 parts water.

To calculate the amount of concentrate needed, we can set up a proportion:

1 part concentrate / 3.5 parts water = x cups concentrate / 2 cups total lemonade

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * 2 = 3.5 * x

2 = 3.5x

x = 2 / 3.5

x ≈ 0.57 cups of concentrate

Therefore, Bob will need to mix approximately 0.57 cups of lemonade concentrate with 3.5 cups of water to make 2 cups of liquid lemonade.

To mix 2 cups of liquid lemonade from concentrate, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare the concentrated lemonade
- Check the instructions on the lemonade concentrate packaging for the recommended mixing ratio. Let's assume it is 1 part concentrate to 4 parts water.
- Measure 1 cup of lemonade concentrate.

Step 2: Add water to the concentrate
- Pour 3.5 cups of water into a pitcher or container.

Step 3: Mix
- Slowly pour the 1 cup of lemonade concentrate into the pitcher with the water.
- Use a spoon or spatula to stir the mixture until the concentrate is completely dissolved in the water.

Step 4: Taste and adjust
- You can taste the lemonade to see if it's too strong or too weak. If needed, you can add more water or concentrate to adjust the flavor according to your preference.

Step 5: Serve
- Pour the mixed lemonade into cups or glasses filled with ice cubes.
- Enjoy your refreshing homemade lemonade!

Note: Make sure to read the instructions on your specific lemonade concentrate packaging for any adjustments or variations in the mixing process.

To mix 2 cups of liquid lemonade using concentrate, you need to add water to the concentrate according to the given ratio. The ratio specified is 1 part concentrate to 3.5 parts water.

To find out how much water is required, divide the total number of parts (in this case, 3.5 parts) by the fraction of concentrate being used (1 part concentrate).

First, convert the cups of lemonade needed into parts. Since 2 cups is the total, it represents 1 part of lemonade concentrate.

Now, divide the total parts (3.5) by the parts of concentrate (1):
3.5 ÷ 1 = 3.5

So, you would need 3.5 cups of water to mix with 1 cup of lemonade concentrate, resulting in 2 cups of liquid lemonade.