This group of Protestants settled in Georgia after suffering from religious persecution in Europe.

Highland Scots




C. Salzburgers

The correct answer is C. Salzburgers.

The group of Protestants who settled in Georgia after suffering from religious persecution in Europe are known as the Salzburgers. Now, let me explain how to arrive at this answer:

First, we need to understand the given information that a group of Protestants settled in Georgia due to religious persecution in Europe.

Next, we can eliminate options based on their relevance to the given information.

Option A, Highland Scots, were not specifically mentioned in connection to the religious persecution in Europe, so we can eliminate that option.

Option B, Malcontents, do not specifically indicate a group suffering religious persecution in Europe, so we can eliminate that option as well.

Option D, Jews, although religiously persecuted throughout history, are not mentioned in context to settling in Georgia, so we can eliminate that option too.

Finally, we are left with Option C, Salzburgers. Salzburgers were a group of Protestants from Austria who faced persecution from the Catholic Church. They were granted permission by James Oglethorpe, founder of the Georgia colony, to settle in what is now known as Savannah, Georgia, to escape religious persecution.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C, Salzburgers.