True or False: The trustees wanted to start the colony of Georgia to form large plantations.





B. False

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the historical context.

The trustees refer to the group of individuals who were granted a charter to establish the colony of Georgia in the early 18th century. Their primary objective was to establish a colony that would serve as a buffer between the British colonies in North America and Spanish-controlled Florida.

To understand their intentions regarding large plantations, we need to consider the founding principles of Georgia. The trustees aimed to establish a colony that would promote social reform and provide a fresh start for debtors and the impoverished. Therefore, their main goal was not to develop large plantations or focus on cash crop cultivation like other British colonies such as Virginia or South Carolina.

Based on this historical context, the correct answer would be:

B. False

The trustees did not want to start the colony of Georgia to form large plantations.