True or false: Georgia was the only colony to sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act. (1 point)






The correct response is False.

To confirm the answer, one can refer to historical records and sources such as books, articles, or reliable websites that discuss the Stamp Act and its implementation in the American colonies.

The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1765 and required the American colonies to pay a tax on printed materials, including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards, by purchasing stamps. However, Georgia did not sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act. In fact, opposition to the Stamp Act was widespread in the colonies, and many individuals and organizations actively resisted it through non-importation agreements and protests.

Therefore, Georgia was not the only colony to sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act, which makes the statement "Georgia was the only colony to sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act" false.