What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

(1 point)

economic problems and political violence

economic problems and political violence

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

development of government bureaucracy

overseas conquests and colonization

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

The features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) include prosperity, stable government, advances in farming, and the development of a government bureaucracy.

Which of the following groups had the higher social status under the Yuan dynasty?

(1 point)

Song scholar-officials

Song scholar-officials

southern Chinese merchants

southern Chinese merchants

northern Chinese nobles

northern Chinese nobles

Turks and other Muslims

northern Chinese nobles

The features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) can be determined by studying the historical records and analyzing the characteristics of each period.

To begin with, the Tang dynasty was known for its prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming. Under the Tang rulers, China experienced a period of economic growth, with flourishing trade along the Silk Road and the Grand Canal. This led to increased wealth and cultural exchange, making the Tang dynasty one of the most prosperous and cosmopolitan periods in Chinese history.

Additionally, the Tang dynasty saw the development of a strong and efficient government bureaucracy. The officials were recruited through a system called the civil service examination, which aimed to select highly capable individuals based on their merit rather than their social status. This resulted in an effective and organized administration, contributing to the stability and success of the dynasty.

Moving on to the Song dynasty, it also witnessed a period of prosperity and stable government. The economy thrived with advancements in technology, particularly in agriculture, which led to increased agricultural productivity. This agricultural revolution, combined with improved transportation and trade, boosted the commercial and urban development during this time.

Furthermore, the Song dynasty focused on strengthening its government bureaucracy even further. They introduced reforms in the civil service examination system, emphasizing the study of Confucian classics. This created a highly educated class of officials who played a crucial role in governing the empire effectively.

It is important to note that economic problems and political violence were more prevalent during other periods in Chinese history, such as the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589) or the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (907-960) rather than the Tang and Song dynasties.

Overall, the main features associated with the dynasties of the Tang and Song periods include prosperity, stable government, advances in farming, and the development of a government bureaucracy.

What effect did the law code of 702 have on Japan?

(1 point)

It strengthened the power of the clans.

It strengthened the power of the clans.

It made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country.

It made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country.

It made Buddhism the state religion.

It made Buddhism the state religion.

It outlawed the clans.

The correct response is: It strengthened the power of the clans.

The law code of 702, known as the Taihō Code, was implemented during the Nara period in Japan. This code aimed to centralize and strengthen the power of the imperial government by establishing a bureaucratic system. It granted extensive power to the clans, who were responsible for local governance, taxation, and law enforcement. This strengthened the authority of the clans and their role in the administration of the country.

Read the following quote from Buddhist scripture Dhammapada.

“Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like); fletchers bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people master themselves.”

What central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced Zen?

(1 point)



self-control and discipline

self-control and discipline



loyalty and obedience

The central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote that appealed to samurai who practiced Zen is self-control and discipline. The quote highlights the importance of mastering oneself, which aligns with the principles of self-discipline and self-mastery advocated in Zen Buddhism. Samurai warriors, who adopted Zen practices, sought to cultivate discipline and control over their thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to excel in martial arts and maintain a calm and focused state of mind in battle.


“Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like); fletchers bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people master themselves.”

What central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced Zen?

(1 point)



self-control and discipline

self-control and discipline



loyalty and obedience

loyalty and obedience