Darius gave local rulers power over their own government and funded the construction of roads all over his empire for what reason? (1 point)


To create instability within the walls of his empire 
To create instability within the walls of his empire 

To instill fear in his subjects 
To instill fear in his subjects 

To create stability and control over his empire 
To create stability and control over his empire 

To encourage war with neighboring kingdoms 

To create stability and control over his empire.

The correct answer is: To create stability and control over his empire.

To understand why Darius gave local rulers power and funded the construction of roads, we can look at the historical context of his empire, the Achaemenid Empire. Darius ruled over a vast empire that spanned from Egypt to India, and maintaining control over such a large territory was quite challenging.

By granting local rulers power over their own governments, Darius aimed to create stability within his empire. He recognized that directly ruling every region would be impractical, so he decentralized power and gave local rulers some autonomy. This approach allowed Darius to delegate the administration of different regions to trusted individuals who were familiar with the local customs and culture. This helped to prevent rebellion and maintain order within the empire.

Furthermore, the construction of roads served several purposes. Firstly, it facilitated communication and trade between different regions of the empire. The efficient movement of people and goods along these roads allowed for the exchange of ideas, technologies, and resources, which contributed to the overall development and unity of the empire.

Secondly, the construction of roads enabled Darius to have a better control over his empire. It made it easier for his armies to travel to distant regions in times of war or rebellion. The swift movement of troops helped Darius respond quickly to any internal or external threats and maintain the stability and control he desired.

Therefore, Darius gave local rulers power and funded the construction of roads to create stability and control within his empire, not to create instability or instill fear in his subjects, or to encourage war with neighboring kingdoms.

To create stability and control over his empire