What is etymology?

11 point)
C the development of formal languages
© a word's origin and how its meanings have changed over time
© a word's part of speech and how it functions in a sentence
© the scientific study of language and its structure

© a word's origin and how its meanings have changed over time

The correct answer is © - a word's origin and how its meanings have changed over time. Etymology is the study of the origin of words, their development throughout history, and how their meanings have evolved over time. It focuses on tracing the linguistic history of words and understanding the connections between different languages.

The correct answer is: © a word's origin and how its meanings have changed over time.

Etymology refers to the study of the origin of words and how their meanings have evolved or changed over time. It involves tracing the historical development of words, examining their roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and understanding how they have been borrowed or adapted from different languages.

To determine the correct answer, you can eliminate options that are not related to the study of word origins and meanings. Option A, C, and D are not directly related to the study of the origin of words and how their meanings have changed, making option B, "a word's origin and how its meanings have changed over time," the accurate choice.