Etymological Spelling Patterns

Which phrase defines etymology?

the part of speech of a word

the pronunciation of a word

the history of a word

the spelling of a word

1 D-the history of a word

2 D-etymological patterns
3 C-they relate to air
4 A-a signal that is heard

thanks @Kenny is 100% right!

The correct answer is: "the history of a word." Etymology is the study of the origin and history of words, including their meanings and how they have evolved over time. It examines their roots, development, and changes in form and meaning throughout different languages and historical periods. To determine the correct definition of etymology, it's helpful to analyze the meanings and associations of each provided option.

- "The part of speech of a word" refers to the grammatical category that a word belongs to (e.g., noun, verb, adjective). This does not relate to the study of etymology.
- "The pronunciation of a word" focuses on the correct way to say or articulate a word. While pronunciation can sometimes offer clues about word origins, it is not the primary focus of etymology.
- "The spelling of a word" refers to the arrangement of letters that form a specific word. Though spelling can be influenced by the history of a word, it is not the central concept within etymology.

Therefore, "the history of a word" is the phrase that accurately defines etymology.

The history of a word