What is an inference? (1 point)

• information in a text that supports an idea or analysis
• an idea or detail that is stated directly in a text
O a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning
an analvsis of ideas or details included in a text

• a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning

The correct answer is:

• a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning

To understand what an inference is, we need to look at the options provided.

Option 1: "information in a text that supports an idea or analysis." This option describes supporting evidence in a text, but it does not capture the essence of an inference.

Option 2: "an idea or detail that is stated directly in a text." This option describes explicit information that is directly stated in the text. It does not capture the nature of an inference, which involves drawing a conclusion beyond what is explicitly stated.

Option 3: "a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning." This option accurately describes an inference. When we make an inference, we use the evidence and information provided in the text to reach a logical conclusion that goes beyond what is explicitly stated.

Option 4: "an analysis of ideas or details included in a text." This option describes the process of analyzing the ideas and details within a text, but it does not specify the act of drawing a conclusion based on that analysis.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option 3. An inference is a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning.

An inference is a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning.