Which of the following is an example of a primary source?(1 point)


a history textbook
a history textbook

an eyewitness interview
an eyewitness interview

an encyclopedia article
an encyclopedia article

a biography of a historical figure

an eyewitness interview

The correct answer is: an eyewitness interview.

The example of a primary source among the given options is an eyewitness interview.

To determine this, it is important to understand what a primary source is. Primary sources are original or firsthand accounts of an event, topic, or period, created by individuals who directly experienced or witnessed it. They provide a direct and unfiltered perspective, giving valuable insights into historical events.

In this case, an eyewitness interview fits the definition of a primary source. It involves directly speaking to someone who witnessed a specific event or time period, providing a firsthand account of what happened. Eyewitness interviews often capture personal experiences, emotions, and details that may not be found in secondary sources like textbooks or articles.

On the other hand, a history textbook, an encyclopedia article, and a biography of a historical figure are secondary sources. Secondary sources are created after the fact, by individuals who were not directly involved in the events they describe. They generally analyze and interpret primary sources and other secondary sources to present an overview or interpretation of a particular topic or time period.

So, to determine which of the options is a primary source, it is essential to consider the nature of the source and whether it provides a direct, firsthand account of the events or period under discussion. In this case, the eyewitness interview best fulfills these criteria.