How many years of school to be a physical therapist assistant

1 point


To become a physical therapist assistant, the required education is typically an Associates degree. This generally takes about 2 years to complete.

To become a physical therapist assistant, you typically need to complete an associate's degree program. This means that you would need to attend college for approximately two years to earn the necessary degree.

Here's how you can find this information on your own:

1. Start by conducting an internet search using keywords such as "education requirements for physical therapist assistant."
2. Look for reputable sources such as professional organizations or official websites of universities or colleges that offer physical therapist assistant programs.
3. Navigate to the websites of these sources and search for information specifically related to the educational path needed to become a physical therapist assistant.
4. Look for sections or pages that outline the admission requirements and curriculum for the physical therapist assistant program.
5. Typically, you will find that an associate's degree is the standard requirement for this profession. This information may be displayed in a "program overview" or "degree requirements" section.
6. Note that some regions or states may have variations in the education requirements, so make sure to check the requirements of the specific area you are interested in practicing.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources to ensure accuracy and stay up to date with any changes in the field.