What advantages did Mayan cities have? (1 point)

• Mayan cities had an advanced understanding of Western philosophy and served as centers of learning
• Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning
Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture. They also grew their wealth from being along trace routes
Mayan cities decentralized from the larger empire choosing to only trade within their city-state, which boosted the local economies

• Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture.

• They grew their wealth from being along trade routes.
• Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning.

The advantages of Mayan cities can be summarized as follows:

- Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning. They were important religious and cultural hubs, hosting temples, pyramids, and other sacred sites. The cities also had schools and libraries where scholars studied subjects such as writing, astronomy, and mathematics.

- Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture. The ancient Maya developed sophisticated building techniques, such as the use of lime plaster and corbel arches, allowing them to construct impressive structures like pyramids, palaces, and ball courts.

- Mayan cities grew their wealth from being along trade routes. They were strategically located along trade routes, allowing them to engage in commerce and accumulate wealth. Trade networks connected Mayan cities with other Mesoamerican civilizations, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas.

- Mayan cities decentralized from the larger empire, choosing to only trade within their city-state. This helped boost the local economies of individual cities, as they could focus on promoting trade and establishing relationships with neighboring cities. This decentralized system also allowed for a greater degree of independence and autonomy among Mayan cities.

Mayan cities had several advantages that contributed to their success. These include:

1. Advanced understanding of Western philosophy and centers of learning: Mayan cities were centers of intellectual and cultural advancement. They had an advanced understanding of Western philosophy, which helped shape their society and governance.

To find this answer, one can refer to historical sources such as books, academic articles, and ancient Mayan texts that explain the intellectual achievements and significance of Mayan cities.

2. Centers of religion and learning: Mayan cities served as important religious and educational centers. They housed elaborate temples, pyramids, and other sacred structures where religious rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices took place. Furthermore, Mayan cities had institutions for learning and educating the population in various fields such as mathematics, astronomy, calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing.

The information about Mayan cities being centers of religion and learning can be found by studying archaeological evidence, ancient inscriptions, and artwork found in Mayan ruins.

3. Advanced technology for complex architecture: Mayan cities showcased impressive architectural feats. They possessed advanced engineering skills and techniques, enabling them to construct monumental structures like pyramids, palaces, and ball courts. These architectural achievements reflected the Mayans' ability to plan, design, and build structures that were both functional and aesthetically impressive.

To understand the advanced technology employed by the Mayans, one can study the architectural remains of Mayan cities, analyze construction methods and materials used, and refer to scholarly research and archaeological findings.

4. Growth of wealth from trade routes: Mayan cities benefited from their strategic locations along trade routes. They engaged in extensive trade with neighboring regions, enabling them to acquire valuable resources, goods, and wealth. This trade network contributed to the economic prosperity of the cities, allowing them to flourish and thrive.

To learn about the trade routes and economic activities of Mayan cities, one can examine historical records, trade goods discovered through archaeological excavations, and ancient trade routes depicted on Mayan artifacts.

Understanding the advantages of Mayan cities requires a comprehensive study of various historical sources, archaeological evidence, and scholarly research. By analyzing these different sources, one can gain a deeper understanding of the Mayan civilization and the factors that contributed to the success and advancements of their cities.