What advantages did Mayan cities have?(1 point) Responses Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning. Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning. Mayan cities decentralized from the larger empire choosing to only trade within their city-state, which boosted the local economies. Mayan cities decentralized from the larger empire choosing to only trade within their city-state, which boosted the local economies. Mayan cities had an advanced understanding of Western philosophy and served as centers of learning. Mayan cities had an advanced understanding of Western philosophy and served as centers of learning. Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture. They also grew their wealth from being along trade routes.

The advantages that Mayan cities had include:

1. Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning.
2. Mayan cities decentralized from the larger empire, choosing to only trade within their city-state, which boosted the local economies.
3. Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture.
4. Mayan cities grew their wealth from being along trade routes.

To answer your question, the advantages that Mayan cities had were:

1. Centers of Religion and Learning: Mayan cities served as important religious and cultural centers. They had numerous temples, pyramids, and sacred sites where rituals and ceremonies were conducted. These cities were also home to schools and universities where Mayan priests, scholars, and artisans received education and training in various areas such as astronomy, mathematics, and writing.

2. Decentralized Trade: Mayan cities had a decentralized approach to trade. Instead of relying on the larger empire, each city-state focused on internal trade within their own city. This decentralization boosted the local economies of the Mayan cities as they became self-sufficient and had control over their own trade networks.

3. Advanced Architecture: Mayan cities had a remarkable understanding of technology and engineering, which allowed them to build complex and elaborate structures. They constructed massive pyramids, palaces, and temples with intricate carvings and sophisticated architectural designs. This architectural prowess not only showcased the Mayan civilization's wealth and power but also served as enduring cultural and religious symbols.

4. Strategic Location: Many Mayan cities were located along important trade routes, such as coastal areas or near rivers, which facilitated trade and exchange with neighboring regions and cultures. This geographical advantage contributed to the growth of their wealth and influence.

In summary, Mayan cities had the advantages of being centers of religion and learning, decentralized trade systems, advanced architectural technology, and strategic locations along trade routes. These factors played a crucial role in the development and prosperity of the Maya civilization.

Mayan cities served as centers of religion and learning, which allowed for the development and dissemination of knowledge within their society. They also decentralized from the larger empire and chose to only trade within their city-state, which boosted the local economies. Additionally, Mayan cities had advanced technology to build complex architecture, indicating their skill and innovation in various fields. They also benefited from being located along trade routes, allowing for economic growth and the accumulation of wealth.