Which of the following statements about affirmative action is true?

Without specific statements provided, it is difficult to determine which statement is true. However, here are some commonly discussed aspects of affirmative action:

1. Affirmative action aims to promote diversity and equal opportunities in education and employment.
2. Affirmative action policies can involve preferential treatment or quotas for underrepresented groups.
3. Affirmative action can be controversial and subject to debate regarding its fairness and effectiveness.
4. Affirmative action policies have been implemented in various countries around the world.
5. Affirmative action aims to address historical disadvantages and promote inclusivity.

To determine which statement about affirmative action is true, we need to evaluate each option provided. Please provide the available statements, and I'll be happy to assist you.

To determine which of the following statements about affirmative action is true, we would need a list of statements to analyze. Please provide the options or statements you have in mind, and I'll be happy to help you identify which one is true using the available information.