Select the statement that is true.(1 point)

A. Sexual reproduction requires a single parent
B. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction.
C. Asexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse
D. Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction

B. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction.

To select the statement that is true, we can examine each statement and determine its accuracy.

A. Sexual reproduction requires a single parent: This statement is false. Sexual reproduction requires the involvement of two parents, typically of different sexes, to produce offspring.

B. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction: This statement might be true in some cases but is not always the case. While sexual reproduction can produce a larger variety of offspring due to genetic recombination, asexual reproduction can result in a larger number of offspring, as each parent can potentially produce multiple offspring through processes like budding or fragmentation.

C. Asexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse: This statement is false. Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of two gametes (sex cells). Instead, it involves the reproduction of an organism from a single parent without the involvement of gametes.

D. Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction: This statement is subjective and cannot be definitively labeled as true or false. Asexual reproduction may generally be considered simpler as it typically doesn't involve the complex processes of gamete formation and fertilization. However, it also depends on the specific organisms and their reproductive mechanisms.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is true is:

B. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction.

The statement that is true is: B. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction.