Read these sentences from the text.

"Next up at the driving school is the accident avoidance exercise. Students drive at highway speeds down a lane that splits into three lanes. Each lane has a signal light over it. At first, all three lights are green. Then, suddenly, one or more of the lights turns red, and students must immediately switch lanes to avoid an 'accident' ahead. Cones between the lanes serve as telltale markers of each student’s success at avoiding the collision.

'The natural reaction is to slam on the brakes, but you don’t always have time,' says Bullock. 'Cars are much better at turning than they are at stopping.'

Courtney’s turns are quick, though not quick enough. She topples two cones. 'And that’s when you knew something was going to happen,' points out Bullock. 'Will you be able to get around that situation when you aren’t expecting it?'"

What did Bullock mean when he said, "And that's when you knew something was going to happen"?

Bullock meant that Courtney knew she was going to knock over two cones.
Bullock meant that Courtney knew the light signals were going to change.
Bullock meant that Courtney knew she was going to get into a car accident.
Bullock meant that Courtney was driving differently because she knew he was watching her.

Bullock meant that Courtney knew she was going to knock over two cones.

Bullock meant that Courtney knew she was going to knock over two cones.

To understand what Bullock meant when he said, "And that's when you knew something was going to happen," we need to analyze the context of the sentence. In the previous sentence, the text mentions that Courtney topples two cones. Bullock's statement comes right after that.

From this context, we can infer that Bullock is referring to the moment when Courtney topples the cones as the indicator or evidence that "something was going to happen." Bullock is suggesting that this action of knocking over the cones is a sign that Courtney was not able to successfully avoid the collision or switch lanes in time.

Therefore, the correct interpretation of Bullock's statement is that he meant Courtney knew she was going to knock over two cones.