Use the sentence to answer the question. Self driving cars can help reduce traffic. Which heading in an informative text about self driving cars would this information best fit under? (1 point) Responses Benefits of Self Driving Cars Benefits of Self Driving Cars Mechanics within Self Driving Cars Mechanics within Self Driving Cars Leading Companies of Self Driving Cars Leading Companies of Self Driving Cars Problems with Self Driving Cars

Benefits of Self Driving Cars

Read the text. There are several ways to start a fire without matches or a lighter. One method uses a wooden board and a two foot long stick. First, cut a V shaped notch on the edge of the board so that the wider part of the V is on the outside edge. Then, beside the narrow point of this V, make a small dent or hole with a sharp rock. Next, place the board on the ground and the end of the stick in the indentation, holding the stick between the palms of your hands. Finally, roll the stick quickly between your palms while pressing it down. Do this until the friction heats the wood enough so that an ember glows at the end of the stick. This ember can now light a fire. Which organizational structure does this text primarily use? (1 point) Responses Comparison Comparison Sequential Sequential Compare contrast Compare contrast Cause and effect Cause and effect Skip to navigation


Select the gerund or gerund phrase. A number of wildlife websites feature a live camera stream from the Bifengxia Panda Base in Ya'an, China, so people all over the world can enjoy watching pandas in their natural habitat. (1 point) Responses watching pandas watching pandas feature feature live camera live camera wildlife websites wildlife websites

watching pandas

Which sentence displays correct subject verb agreement?(1 point) Responses The island visited by the travelers are warm. The island visited by the travelers are warm. My collection of stamps is extensive. My collection of stamps is extensive. The cattle in the field is huge! The cattle in the field is huge! The books at the library is very helpful. The books at the library is very helpful.

My collection of stamps is extensive.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?(1 point) Responses For my birthday I received: a new bike that I plan to use in a race next month and a gift card to the local bookstore. For my birthday I received: a new bike that I plan to use in a race next month and a gift card to the local bookstore. The club can meet in one of these locations, the gym, the library, or the cafeteria. The club can meet in one of these locations, the gym, the library, or the cafeteria. My favorite foods are: pizza with ham and pineapple; and lasagna. My favorite foods are: pizza with ham and pineapple; and lasagna. I baked many items for the bake sale: banana and blueberry muffins; chocolate and lemon cupcakes; and a giant pound cake. I baked many items for the bake sale: banana and blueberry muffins; chocolate and lemon cupcakes; and a giant pound cake.

I baked many items for the bake sale: banana and blueberry muffins; chocolate and lemon cupcakes; and a giant pound cake.

Which sentence uses a comma to separate two independent clauses?(1 point) Responses AJ likes butter, and Jelly on toast. AJ likes butter, and Jelly on toast. I need carrots, beans, and potatoes. I need carrots, beans, and potatoes. Stu likes cake, but I like brownies. Stu likes cake, but I like brownies. It's a great day to fly kite because it is warm, and sunny. It's a great day to fly kite because it is warm, and sunny.