Identify the underlined phrase in the sentence upon arriving at the science lab Sarah eagerly prepared her experiment for the upcoming demonstration



The underlined phrase in the sentence "upon arriving at the science lab" is a participle phrase.

To identify the underlined phrase, let's break down the sentence: "Upon arriving at the science lab, Sarah eagerly prepared her experiment for the upcoming demonstration."

The underlined phrase is "arriving at the science lab." Now, we can determine the type of phrase.

- A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in "-ing", and "arriving" in this sentence is a present participle, not a gerund. Therefore, the underlined phrase is not a gerund.
- A participle is a verb form that can function as an adjective, but "arriving" in this sentence is not modifying a noun like an adjective would. Therefore, the underlined phrase is not a participle.
- A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its object, which provides additional information or describes the relationship between other words in the sentence. In this case, "upon" is the preposition, and "arriving at the science lab" is the object of the preposition. Therefore, the underlined phrase is a prepositional phrase.
- An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or identifies another noun right beside it. There isn't an appositive in this sentence. Therefore, the underlined phrase is not an appositive.

Hence, the underlined phrase in the given sentence is a prepositional phrase.