Animal 1 takes 10 steps every minute. Animal 2 takes 22 steps every 2 minutes. Compare these proportional relationship. Which animal takes more steps per minute?

In 1 minute, Animal 1 takes 10 steps.

In 2 minutes, Animal 2 takes 22 steps.

To find out how many steps Animal 2 takes in 1 minute, we can divide the number of steps it takes in 2 minutes by 2, like this: 22 steps / 2 minutes = 11 steps.

Therefore, Animal 2 takes more steps per minute (11 steps) compared to Animal 1 (10 steps).

To compare the proportional relationship between Animal 1 and Animal 2, we need to determine how many steps each animal takes per minute.

For Animal 1:
- Animal 1 takes 10 steps every minute.

For Animal 2:
- Animal 2 takes 22 steps every 2 minutes.

To find out how many steps Animal 2 takes per minute, we can divide the total number of steps taken by the total number of minutes.

Dividing 22 steps by 2 minutes, we find that Animal 2 takes 11 steps per minute.

Comparing the two animals, we see that Animal 2 takes more steps per minute (11 steps) compared to Animal 1 (10 steps).

To compare the proportional relationships of the two animals and determine which one takes more steps per minute, we need to calculate the steps per minute for each animal.

First, let's determine the steps per minute for Animal 1:
Animal 1 takes 10 steps every minute.

Next, let's determine the steps per minute for Animal 2:
Animal 2 takes 22 steps every 2 minutes.

To find the steps per minute for Animal 2, we can divide the number of steps taken in 2 minutes by 2:
Steps per minute for Animal 2 = 22 steps / 2 minutes = 11 steps/minute.

Now we can compare the steps per minute for each animal:

Steps per minute for Animal 1: 10 steps/minute
Steps per minute for Animal 2: 11 steps/minute

From the comparison, we can see that Animal 2 takes more steps per minute (11 steps/minute) compared to Animal 1 (10 steps/minute). Therefore, Animal 2 takes more steps per minute than Animal 1.