Animal 1 takes 10 steps every minute. Animal 2 takes 22 steps every 2 minutes. Compare these proportional relationships. Which animal takes more steps per minute?(1 point)

Animal  takes more steps per minute.

To compare the number of steps each animal takes per minute, we can look at their rates. The rate for Animal 1 is 10 steps per minute, while the rate for Animal 2 is 22 steps per 2 minutes.

To make the rates comparable, we can divide the rate for Animal 2 by 2, since Animal 2 takes steps every 2 minutes.

Animal 2's rate becomes 22 steps / 2 minutes = 11 steps per minute.

Therefore, Animal 2 takes more steps per minute as compared to Animal 1.

To compare the two proportional relationships, we need to find the steps taken by each animal per minute.

For Animal 1:
Steps taken per minute = 10

For Animal 2:
Steps taken per 2 minutes = 22
To find the steps taken per minute, we can divide this value by 2.
Steps taken per minute = 22 / 2 = 11

Comparing the two values:
Animal 1 takes 10 steps per minute.
Animal 2 takes 11 steps per minute.

Since 11 is greater than 10, Animal 2 takes more steps per minute.

To compare the proportional relationships between Animal 1 and Animal 2, we need to find out how many steps each animal takes per minute.

For Animal 1:
We know that Animal 1 takes 10 steps every minute. So, the steps per minute for Animal 1 is 10.

For Animal 2:
We know that Animal 2 takes 22 steps every 2 minutes. To compare with Animal 1, we need to find out how many steps Animal 2 takes per minute. To do that, we can divide the number of steps Animal 2 takes in 2 minutes by 2.
22 steps ÷ 2 minutes = 11 steps per minute for Animal 2.

Comparing the steps per minute for both animals, we see that Animal 2 takes more steps per minute (11 steps per minute) compared to Animal 1 (10 steps per minute). Therefore, "Animal 2 takes more steps per minute."