What do most attacks on hash functions involve? A. Finding Collisions B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it. C. Really good random guessing. (2 points) Responses A and B A and B A and C A and C B and C

The correct answer is A. Finding Collisions and B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it.

The correct answer is A. Finding Collisions and B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it. The most common attacks on hash functions involve finding collisions, which means finding two different inputs that produce the same hash value. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it is also a common attack strategy, known as a brute force attack. Therefore, the correct response is A and B.

Most attacks on hash functions involve (A) finding collisions and (B) pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it.

To understand why these attacks are commonly used, let's break down each option:

(A) Finding Collisions: A hash collision occurs when two different inputs produce the same hash output. It means that even if the input data is different, the hash value is the same. Attackers exploit this vulnerability to find collisions in hash functions, which can have significant security implications.

(B) Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it: This attack technique involves generating a large number of hash outputs for various possible inputs and then comparing them to the actual hash values. By doing so, attackers try to reverse-engineer the hash function to find the original input that generated a given hash.

(C) Really good random guessing: While random guessing can be used as a strategy in some attacks, it is not typically the primary approach used to exploit hash functions. Random guessing alone is not efficient enough to overcome the cryptographic strength of a properly designed hash function.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is A and B. Attacks on hash functions typically involve finding collisions and pre-generating hashes to compare them against known plain text.