Figurative meaning involves which two traits? Select the two correct answers.

A. The word with connotative meanings
B. They typically involve neutral writing.
They contain strictly literal ideas.
C. That involve representation.
D they involve exact definitions

A. The word with connotative meanings

C. That involve representation.

The correct answers are:

A. The word with connotative meanings
C. That involve representation

The correct answers are A and C.

Figurative meaning involves two traits:
A. The word with connotative meanings: Connotation refers to the emotions, ideas, or associations that a word carries beyond its literal or dictionary definition. Figurative language often uses words with connotations to convey a more symbolic or metaphorical meaning.

C. That involve representation: Figurative language uses words or phrases to represent ideas or concepts in a non-literal way. It employs various literary devices such as similes, metaphors, personification, and imagery to create vivid and imaginative descriptions.

Option B is incorrect because figurative language does not necessarily involve neutral writing. In fact, it is often used to add depth, creativity, and emotional impact to a piece of writing.

Option D is incorrect because figurative language does not involve exact definitions. It goes beyond literal definitions to convey abstract or nuanced meanings.