Which inalienable right is most associated with

utilitarianism? (1 point)
the pursuit of happiness
equality under the law
taxation occurring only with the consent of the
the resistance of oppression

The pursuit of happiness is most associated with utilitarianism.

The pursuit of happiness is most associated with utilitarianism.

The inalienable right most associated with utilitarianism is the pursuit of happiness.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that focuses on promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. According to utilitarianism, the right action is the one that maximizes overall happiness and minimizes suffering. Therefore, the pursuit of happiness aligns with the central goal of utilitarianism.

To determine this answer, one can examine the principles of utilitarianism and analyze which inalienable right best reflects those principles. Utilitarianism prioritizes the overall happiness and well-being of individuals. One can also study the writings of philosophers such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, who were notable proponents of utilitarianism, to understand the connection between utilitarianism and the pursuit of happiness.

Therefore, based on the principles and the analysis of utilitarianism, the pursuit of happiness is the inalienable right most associated with utilitarianism.