Which inalienable right is most associated with utilitarianism? (1 point) the pursuit of happiness taxation occurring only with the consent of the people equality under the law the resistance of oppression

The pursuit of happiness.

The pursuit of happiness.

The inalienable right most associated with utilitarianism is the pursuit of happiness. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that focuses on maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. According to utilitarian principles, individuals should have the freedom to pursue their own happiness as long as it does not infringe upon the happiness of others.

To determine which inalienable right is most associated with utilitarianism, you can review the principles of utilitarianism and assess how each right aligns with those principles. In this case, the pursuit of happiness stands out as it directly corresponds to the core idea of maximizing overall happiness.

To confirm this answer, you can refer to prominent utilitarian philosophers such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill who advocated for the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental right in their writings. Their works provide further clarification and reasoning for this association between utilitarianism and the pursuit of happiness.