Identify the appropriate punctuation for the underlined word or phrase.

In high school, I enjoyed reading _The Catcher in the Rye_.

In high school, I enjoyed reading "The Catcher in the Rye."

The appropriate punctuation for the underlined word or phrase "The Catcher in the Rye" is quotation marks.

The appropriate punctuation for the underlined word or phrase in the sentence "In high school, I enjoyed reading _The Catcher in the Rye_." is quotation marks.

To identify the appropriate punctuation for the underlined word or phrase, you need to consider if it is a title of a book, a poem, an article, a song, a movie, or any other individual work. In this case, "The Catcher in the Rye" is the title of a book, so it should be enclosed in quotation marks. Quotation marks are used to indicate that the words inside them are the exact words from the source material.