Identify the word that best describes the underlined word for the following question.

The painter used a thin brush to paint the foliage in the background.
(1 point)

prepositional phrase
prepositional phrase

participial phrase
participial phrase

gerund phrase
gerund phrase

infinitive phrase

prepositional phrase

The word "to paint" in the sentence is an infinitive phrase.

To identify the word that best describes the underlined word, you first need to understand what the underlined word is. In this sentence, the underlined word is "foliage." To determine the word that best describes "foliage," you have to analyze its function in the sentence.

In this sentence, "foliage" is the object of the preposition "in." It tells us what the painter is painting. Therefore, the word that best describes "foliage" is a noun, specifically an object of the preposition.

So, the correct answer is "prepositional phrase."