Amelia baked some cookies. She was able to give 5 cookies each to 8 friends without having any cookies left over. How could you set up this problem as an algebraic equation to find out how many cookies Amelia baked in total? (1 point)

Let "x" represent the total number of cookies Amelia baked.

The equation would be:

8 * 5 = x

Let's assume Amelia baked "x" number of cookies.

Since she gave 5 cookies each to 8 friends, the total number of cookies given away would be 5 multiplied by 8, which equals 40 cookies.

According to the problem, she gave away all the cookies without having any left over. So, we can set up the equation:

x - 40 = 0

Simplifying the equation, we have:

x = 40

Therefore, Amelia must have baked a total of 40 cookies.

To set up the problem as an algebraic equation, you can let "x" represent the total number of cookies Amelia baked.

According to the problem, she gave 5 cookies each to 8 friends. This means that she gave away a total of 5 * 8 = 40 cookies.

Since she gave away all the cookies without any left over, the total number of cookies she baked, x, should be equal to 40.

Therefore, the algebraic equation that represents the problem is:

x = 40