Study the information on the chart and the graphic. What can you infer about photosynthesis?

The closer the light source, the lower the amount of oxygen gas produced.
The closer the light source, the higher the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced.
The closer the light source, the higher the amount of oxygen gas produced.
The closer the light source, the lower the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced.

The correct inference would be: c) The closer the light source, the higher the amount of oxygen gas produced.

Based on the information provided on the chart and the graphic, we can infer that option C is the correct inference about photosynthesis. It states that the closer the light source, the higher the amount of oxygen gas produced.

To infer about photosynthesis based on the chart and graphic, we need to carefully analyze the information provided. Unfortunately, you have not provided the chart or graphic for me to study, so I am unable to provide a direct inference. However, I can guide you on how to analyze the information and make an inference yourself.

1. Examine the variables: Look for the variables mentioned in the question, particularly the proximity of the light source. Also, pay attention to the gases mentioned, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

2. Analyze the trends: Compare the data on the chart or graphic for different distances of the light source. Determine if there is a consistent trend or pattern in the amounts of oxygen or carbon dioxide produced as the light source moves closer or farther away.

3. Consider the process of photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is a process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Keep in mind that in photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is transformed into oxygen, implying an inverse relationship between the two gases.

4. Make an inference: Based on the information you have analyzed, choose the statement that aligns with the trends observed and the process of photosynthesis. You can choose from options a, b, c, or d, depending on the trends in the data you have examined.

By following these steps, you can thoroughly examine the chart and graphic and make an inference about photosynthesis based on the provided information.