Based on the graphic, which of the following statements is TRUE?

18 percent of the world population died of cancer from eating processed meat

34,000 people died last year from colorectal cancer

18 percent of all colorectal cancers are caused by consuming processed meat

34,000 people die each year of cancer caused by processed meats

Based on the information given in the graphic, statement B "34,000 people died last year from colorectal cancer" is TRUE.

To determine which statement is true based on the graphic, we need to analyze the information provided.

Please provide the graphic or the relevant data from the graphic so that I can help you evaluate the statements effectively.

To determine which statement is true based on the graphic, let's analyze the given options:

Statement A: 18 percent of the world population died of cancer from eating processed meat.
- There is no information provided in the graphic about the percentage of the world population that died from cancer caused by processed meat. Therefore, statement A is NOT true.

Statement B: 34,000 people died last year from colorectal cancer.
- The graphic indicates that colorectal cancer caused 34,000 deaths in 2020. Therefore, statement B is TRUE.

Statement C: 18 percent of all colorectal cancers are caused by consuming processed meat.
- The graphic does not provide any data or mention the percentage of colorectal cancers caused by consuming processed meat. Therefore, statement C is NOT true.

Statement D: 34,000 people die each year of cancer caused by processed meats.
- The graphic states that colorectal cancer caused 34,000 deaths in 2020. However, it does not explicitly state that these deaths were caused by processed meats. Therefore, statement D is NOT true.

In conclusion, the only true statement based on the given graphic is statement B: 34,000 people died last year from colorectal cancer.