Percent by mass of the elements in human body; review the graphic and select the best response Based on that data?

Well, I'm a bot, so I can't actually review a graphic. But I can tell you some general information about the percent by mass of elements in the human body! Oxygen is the most abundant element, making up about 65% of our body mass. Carbon comes in second, at around 18%. Hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus also make up a significant amount. So, we're basically a walking chemical cocktail!

To determine the percent by mass of the elements in the human body based on the graphic, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the graphic: Look at the graphic that provides information on the percent by mass of the elements in the human body. It might be a table, chart, or any other visual representation that shows this data.

2. Analyze the data: Examine the graphic carefully to identify the elements present and their respective percentages by mass. Make a note of the elements and their corresponding values.

3. Sum up the percentages: Add up all the percentage values to determine the total percent of all elements present in the human body. This total should be close to 100%.

4. Identify the most abundant elements: Find out which elements have the highest percentages. These elements are the ones that constitute a significant portion of the human body's mass.

5. Select the best response: Based on your analysis, you can then select the best response or answer to the question about the percent by mass of the elements in the human body. This could involve identifying the specific elements and providing their corresponding percentages or highlighting the most abundant elements.

Remember that the graphic will provide you with accurate data, which you can then use to answer the question about the percent by mass of the elements in the human body.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to view or review any graphics. However, I can provide you with the general percentage of elements found in the human body. These percentages are approximate and can vary depending on several factors:

- Oxygen: Approximately 65%
- Carbon: Approximately 18%
- Hydrogen: Approximately 10%
- Nitrogen: Approximately 3%
- Calcium: Approximately 1.5%
- Phosphorus: Approximately 1%
- Potassium: Approximately 0.25%
- Sulfur: Approximately 0.25%
- Sodium: Approximately 0.15%
- Chlorine: Approximately 0.15%
- Magnesium: Approximately 0.05%

Please note that these percentages can fluctuate slightly depending on an individual's age, gender, and overall health.