How many gallons are in 12 quarts?

4 quarts = 1 gallon

(1 point)

3 gallons
3 gallons

8 gallons
8 gallons

16 gallons
16 gallons

48 gallons

There are 3 gallons in 12 quarts.

To understand how many gallons are in 12 quarts, we need to know the conversion rate between quarts and gallons. In this case, we know that 4 quarts is equal to 1 gallon.

To calculate how many gallons are in 12 quarts, we can set up a proportion:

4 quarts = 1 gallon
12 quarts = ?

To solve for the unknown value, we can cross-multiply:

4 quarts * ? = 1 gallon * 12 quarts

4 * ? = 12

Divide both sides of the equation by 4:

? = 12 / 4

Simplifying, we find that ? = 3. Therefore, there are 3 gallons in 12 quarts.

To convert quarts to gallons, you divide the number of quarts by 4 (since 4 quarts make 1 gallon). Therefore, there are 3 gallons in 12 quarts.