An image of a woman, Sarina, who can be any ethnicity, in the process of mixing paint. She is standing in front of a table that holds three paint cans, one with blue paint, one with red paint, and one with white paint. Each can should be filled to the 1/4 of its full capacity. Sarina should be stirring the paint in a larger container where we can see the amalgamation of all three colours. Make sure that the image contains no text.

Sarina is mixing paint. If she adds 1/4 gallon blue, 1/4 gallon red, and 1/4 gallon white, how much total paint does she have?(1 point) Responses 3/8 gallon Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction gallon 4 gallons 4 gallons 3 gallons 3 gallons 3/4 gallon

If Sarina adds 1/4 gallon blue, 1/4 gallon red, and 1/4 gallon white paint, she has a total of 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4 gallon of paint. Therefore, the correct answer is 3/4 gallon.

To find the total amount of paint Sarina has, you need to add the quantities together.

1/4 gallon (blue) + 1/4 gallon (red) + 1/4 gallon (white) = 3/4 gallon

So, Sarina has a total of 3/4 gallon of paint.

To find out how much total paint Sarina has, we need to add the amounts of blue, red, and white paint she added.

First, we add 1/4 gallon of blue paint, 1/4 gallon of red paint, and 1/4 gallon of white paint:
1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4 gallon.

So, Sarina has a total of 3/4 gallon of paint.