Article 1. Inform readers about the benefits of handwashing article to persuade readers to wash their hands more given this information which method of writing is different between the two articles a tone be text organization say topic d the purpose for writing.

Based on the provided information, the method of writing that is different between the two articles is the organization of the text.

In article 1, the main purpose of writing is to inform readers about the benefits of handwashing, with the intention of persuading readers to wash their hands more. The article is likely to provide factual information, statistics, and research findings to support the importance of handwashing. The tone of this article will be informative and persuasive, highlighting the advantages of handwashing while urging readers to adopt this healthy habit. The organization will likely follow a logical flow, presenting the benefits of handwashing in a structured manner and concluding with a strong emphasis on the importance of hand hygiene.

On the other hand, the provided information does not indicate any specific details about the second article. Without further context, it is difficult to determine the differences in tone, text organization, or topic.

In order to compare the two articles and determine the method of writing that is different between them, we should look at tone, text organization, and the purpose for writing.

Tone refers to the author's attitude or emotions towards the subject matter. It can be to inform, persuade, entertain, or educate the readers. In this case, both articles share a similar purpose of persuading readers to wash their hands more. Therefore, the tone may not differ significantly between the two articles.

Text organization refers to the structure and sequence of information within the article. It includes the use of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and overall flow of ideas. While we don't have access to the content of the articles, we can assume that the text organization might differ between them as it depends on the individual author's writing style and preferences.

The purpose for writing is the main goal or intention the author has while crafting the article. In this case, both articles aim to inform readers about the benefits of handwashing to persuade them to wash their hands more. Therefore, the purpose for writing is the same in both cases.

In conclusion, based on the information given, it is most likely that the text organization is the element that differs between the two articles.

To identify the difference between the two articles in terms of writing style, tone, text organization, and purpose for writing, you will need to examine both articles carefully. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this task:

1. Obtain both articles: Gather Article 1, which aims to inform readers about the benefits of handwashing, and Article 2, which attempts to persuade readers to wash their hands more.

2. Analyze the tone: Start by reading both articles and paying attention to the tone of writing used. Tone refers to the author's attitude or emotion conveyed through their words. Examine the choice of words, sentence structure, and overall style employed in each article. Look for any distinct differences in tone between the two. For instance, Article 1 might have an informative and educational tone, while Article 2 could use a persuasive and compelling tone to encourage action.

3. Evaluate text organization: Examine the structure and organization of the texts in both articles. Observe how the paragraphs, headings, subheadings, and overall flow of information are arranged. Look for any distinguishing features that set them apart. For example, Article 1 may follow a factual and logical structure, presenting information in a clear, step-by-step manner. On the other hand, Article 2 might employ a more persuasive structure, using emotional appeals, anecdotes, or engaging storytelling techniques to capture the reader's attention and convince them.

4. Identify the topic: Determine the main topic or focus of each article. Article 1 emphasizes the benefits of handwashing, while Article 2 aims to persuade readers to practice handwashing more frequently. Note any differences or similarities between the two topics.

5. Determine the purpose: Consider the underlying objective or purpose of writing for each article. Reflect on why the authors wrote these articles and what they intend to achieve with their pieces. Article 1 may aim to inform readers about the importance of hand hygiene and the benefits it carries for personal and public health. On the other hand, Article 2 seeks to motivate readers to change their behavior and adopt regular handwashing habits by highlighting the potential risks and consequences of neglecting hand hygiene.

By thoroughly examining these aspects of both articles, comparing their tones, text organization, topic, and purpose for writing, you should be able to identify the method of writing that differs between the two. Remember to analyze the texts critically and look for specific textual evidence to support your observations.