Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, and Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. Given this information, which method of writing is different between the two articles?(1 point)

huh wym

The method of writing that is different between the two articles is the purpose.

Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, which means it aims to provide factual information and educate the readers about the topic.

Article 2, on the other hand, persuades readers to wash their hands more, indicating that this article is written with the intent to convince or persuade the readers to take a specific action.

Article 2 pushes for an action.

To determine the different method of writing between the two articles, we need to compare their content and identify any contrasting features. In this case, Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, while Article 2 aims to persuade readers to wash their hands more.

Based on this information, the key difference in the method of writing is the purpose or intention of each article. Article 1 focuses on providing information, while Article 2 is geared towards persuasion. Hence, the differing writing method between the two articles is their persuasive approach in Article 2 compared to the informative approach in Article 1.