Mary read a 105-page book in 5 days. If she continues reading at that rate, how long will it take her to read a 504-page book? (6.RP.3.d, 6.RP.3.b)(1 point)


14 days
14 days

21 days
21 days

24 days
24 days

101 days

To find the answer, we can set up a proportion using the number of pages and the number of days it takes Mary to read them.

If Mary read 105 pages in 5 days, we can set up the proportion:

105 pages / 5 days = 504 pages / x days

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

105x = 504 * 5

105x = 2520

Dividing both sides by 105, we find:

x = 2520 / 105

x ≈ 24

Therefore, it will take Mary approximately 24 days to read a 504-page book.

To find out how long it will take Mary to read a 504-page book, we can set up a proportion using the number of pages and the number of days it took her to read the 105-page book.

The proportion is: (105 pages / 5 days) = (504 pages / x days)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

105 * x = 5 * 504

Now let's solve for x:

105x = 2520

Divide both sides of the equation by 105:

x = 2520 / 105

Simplifying the equation, we get:

x = 24

Therefore, it will take Mary 24 days to read a 504-page book.

To find out how long it will take Mary to read a 504-page book, we can set up a proportion with the number of pages she reads in a certain number of days.

First, let's find out how many pages Mary reads in 1 day. We divide the number of pages (105) by the number of days (5) she took to read the book:

105 pages / 5 days = 21 pages per day

We can use this information to set up a proportion:

105 pages / 5 days = 504 pages / x days

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

105 * x = 5 * 504

Divide both sides of the equation by 105:

x = (5 * 504) / 105

Now, let's calculate that:

x = 2520 / 105 = 24

Therefore, it will take Mary 24 days to read a 504-page book. So the correct answer is:

24 days