Use the Product Rule of Exponents to simplify 510. 55 (1 point)

• 550
• 515
• 2550
• 2515

The correct answer is 515.

To simplify the expression using the Product Rule of Exponents, we multiply the base numbers and add the exponents.

In this case, we have 510.55. The base numbers are 5 and 10, and the exponents are 1 and 5 respectively.

Applying the Product Rule of Exponents, we multiply the base numbers 5 and 10, which gives us 50. Then, we add the exponents, 1 and 5, which results in 56.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 56, which corresponds to the option:

• 550

The Product Rule of Exponents states that when you multiply two powers with the same base, you add their exponents.

In this case, we have 5^10 multiplied by 5^5.

Applying the Product Rule of Exponents, we add the exponents: 10 + 5 = 15.

Therefore, 5^10 * 5^5 simplifies to 5^15.

None of the given options matches 5^15, so none of the provided choices is the correct answer.