Use the Product Rule of Exponents to simplify 5^10⋅5^5(1 point)





5^10⋅5^5 can be simplified using the Product Rule of Exponents as 5^(10+5) which equals 5^15.

So the answer is 5^15.

Find the numerical equivalent of 9^9⋅9^−6.(1 point)

To find the numerical equivalent of 9^9⋅9^(-6), we can use the Product Rule of Exponents, which states that when you multiply two numbers with the same base, you add their exponents.

9^9⋅9^(-6) can be rewritten as 9^(9 + (-6)).

9^9 is simply 9 multiplied by itself 9 times, so it equals 387,420,489.

9^(-6) means taking the reciprocal of 9^6. Since 9^6 is 531,441, the reciprocal is 1/531,441.

So, 9^(-6) is equal to 1/531,441.

Now we can find the numerical equivalent of 9^9⋅9^(-6) by multiplying the two values together:

(9^9)⋅(9^(-6)) = 387,420,489 * (1/531,441)

Simplifying the fraction gives us:

(9^9)⋅(9^(-6)) = 387,420,489/531,441

So, the numerical equivalent of 9^9⋅9^(-6) is approximately 0.729.

What is the missing exponent in the following equation?

h^450/h? = h^215

To find the missing exponent, we can use the Quotient Rule of Exponents, which states that when you divide two numbers with the same base, you subtract their exponents.

In this case, we know that h^450 divided by h is equal to h^215. To find the missing exponent, we subtract the exponent of h in the denominator from the exponent of h in the numerator.

So, the missing exponent is:

450 - 1 = 449

Therefore, the missing exponent is 449.

Simplify 12^87÷12^25

To simplify 12^87 ÷ 12^25, we can use the Quotient Rule of Exponents, which states that when you divide two numbers with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

Using this rule, we subtract the exponent of 12 in the denominator from the exponent of 12 in the numerator:

12^87 ÷ 12^25 = 12^(87-25)

Simplifying the exponent gives us:


Therefore, the simplified expression is 12^62.

What is the missing number in this simplified exponential expression: 7^?÷7^5=7^12?

To find the missing number in the simplified exponential expression, we can use the Quotient Rule of Exponents. According to the Quotient Rule, when dividing two numbers with the same base, we subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator.

In this case, the expression "7^? ÷ 7^5 = 7^12 ?" implies that the exponent in the numerator is equal to the exponent in the denominator plus 12.

So, the missing number is:

? = 5 + 12 = 17

Therefore, the missing number in the simplified exponential expression is 17.

What is the value of 6.9−2^0?



