Which phrase gives the meaning of morphology?

1. The study of word meanings from another language
2. The study of parts of a word
3. The study and classification of speech sounds
4. The study of word and phrase arrangement

2. The study of parts of a word

The correct answer is option 2: The study of parts of a word.

Morphology is the branch of linguistics that deals with the internal structure and formation of words. It examines the different components or parts of a word, such as prefixes, suffixes, roots, and how they combine to create meaning. To determine the meaning of the word "morphology," we need to understand the meanings of its individual components: "morph" and "ology."

1. Option 1: "The study of word meanings from another language" refers to the field of semantics, which focuses on the meaning of words and how they relate to each other in a specific language or across different languages.

2. Option 2: "The study of parts of a word" correctly describes morphology. By examining the internal structure of words, morphology investigates how morphemes (the smallest meaningful units) combine to form words and conveys information about their grammatical role and semantic content.

3. Option 3: "The study and classification of speech sounds" is the domain of phonetics and phonology, which analyze the physical properties and patterns of sounds in human language.

4. Option 4: "The study of word and phrase arrangement" refers to syntax, which investigates the rules governing the organization of words and phrases to form grammatically correct sentences.

By considering the meanings of the choices provided, we can determine that option 2, "the study of parts of a word," is the most accurate definition for morphology.

The correct answer is: 2. The study of parts of a word