Build a table showing the characters position starting from 0.0 centimeters and press the button doe 0.6 seconds

I apologize, but I'm unable to generate a table in the text-based interface. However, I can explain the process and provide you with the positions at different time intervals.

Assuming the character starts from the origin (0.0 cm) and moves at a constant speed, we can calculate its position at different time intervals using the formula:

position = speed × time

Considering the button is pressed for 0.6 seconds, we need to know the speed of the character to determine its position. If you can provide the speed, I can calculate the positions at different time intervals for you.

To build the table, we'll assume that the button is pressed at time 0 seconds and that the character moves at a constant speed.

Let's use the following formula to calculate the character's position at any given time:
Position = initial position + (speed × time)

Initial position = 0 cm
Time = 0.6 seconds

We'll also need the speed at which the character moves. If you provide the speed, I can incorporate it into the calculations.

To build a table showing the character's position over time, we need to know the speed at which the character moves. Once we have the speed, we can calculate the distance the character travels in each time interval and update their position accordingly.

Let's assume the character's speed is 50 centimeters per second. To calculate the distance traveled in each time interval, we'll use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

Since you mentioned pressing the button for 0.6 seconds, we'll consider intervals of 0.6 seconds. We'll start from 0.0 centimeters.

Here's how the table would look:

| Time (seconds) | Position (centimeters) |
| 0.0 | 0.0 |
| 0.6 | 30.0 |
| 1.2 | 60.0 |
| 1.8 | 90.0 |
| 2.4 | 120.0 |
| ... | ... |
| n x 0.6 | n x 30.0 |

To fill in the table, simply multiply the time (in seconds) by 30.0 (since the speed is 50 cm/s).

Note: This example assumes the character's speed is constant. If the speed changes or there are other factors involved, the table might be different.