Choose the correct expression to greet someone in the afternoon.

(2 points)

Gute Nacht.
Gute Nacht.

Guten Abend.
Guten Abend.

Guten Tag.
Guten Tag.

Guten Morgen.

Guten Tag.

The correct expression to greet someone in the afternoon is "Guten Tag." You can arrive at this answer by understanding the meanings of the given options.

"Gute Nacht" means "good night" and is used to bid someone farewell at night, so it is not appropriate for an afternoon greeting.

"Guten Abend" means "good evening" and is used to greet someone in the evening, typically after sunset. Since the question is asking for an afternoon greeting, this option is not correct.

"Guten Morgen" means "good morning" and is used to greet someone in the morning. So this option is also not suitable for an afternoon greeting.

Hence, the correct answer is "Guten Tag," which means "good day" and can be used as a polite greeting in the afternoon.

The correct expression to greet someone in the afternoon is: "Guten Tag."