In a game, a player gets 15 points for a correct answer and loses 10 points for an incorrect answer. The expression 15c−10a represents the total for c correct and a incorrect answers. How many points are scored for 24 correct and 11 incorrect answers?(1 point)


a. 360

b. 470

c. 250

d. 110

b. 470

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To find the total points scored for 24 correct answers and 11 incorrect answers, we can substitute the values into the expression 15c - 10a.

Here, c represents the number of correct answers, which is 24, and a represents the number of incorrect answers, which is 11.

So, we have: 15(24) - 10(11)

Now, we can simplify the expression:

= 360 - 110

= 250

Therefore, the total points scored for 24 correct and 11 incorrect answers is 250.

The correct answer is (c) 250.