what is a summary?

a listing of the major works by an author

a description of a story's setting

a reader's opinions about a particular text

a brief statement that includes the main points of elements of a text

A brief statement that includes the main points or elements of a text. It provides an overview of the key information or ideas in a condensed form.

A summary is a brief statement that includes the main points or elements of a text. It provides an overview of the key ideas, events, or arguments presented in the original work. Summaries are typically concise and emphasize the most important aspects, allowing readers to understand the main content without having to read the entire text.

A summary is a brief statement that includes the main points or elements of a text. It provides an overview or condensed version of a longer piece of writing, such as an article, book, or movie. Summaries aim to capture the essential information and convey it in a concise and coherent manner.

To create a summary, follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Understand the main ideas and key details presented in the text. Pay attention to the introduction, conclusion, and any section headings that outline the content.

2. Identify the main points: Determine the central theme and supporting arguments or events. Look for important details, examples, or evidence that contribute to the overall understanding of the text.

3. Eliminate unnecessary information: Focus on the essential elements and exclude any extraneous or repetitive details. Don't include personal opinions or commentary in the summary.

4. Organize the summary: Structure the summary in a logical and coherent manner. Start with a clear introductory sentence that provides the context and main focus of the text. Then, include the main points in a concise and sequential order. Use transition words or phrases to connect the ideas smoothly.

5. Keep it concise: Summaries are meant to be concise, so aim to condense the information while still maintaining clarity and coherence. Use your own words to capture the essence of the original text.

Remember, a good summary should accurately represent the main ideas of the text while being shorter in length than the original.