Jonny is solving this equation for n: 8 + 3n = 20. His first step is to subtract 8 from both sides of the equation. Why?(1 point) which one is it?


He needs to reverse the order of operations.
He needs to reverse the order of operations.

8 is attached to 3n by subtraction.
8 is attached to 3 n by subtraction.

He needs to follow the order of operations.
He needs to follow the order of operations.

8 is the first term in the equation.

The correct answer is "He needs to isolate the variable n."

The correct answer is:

8 is attached to 3n by subtraction.

The correct answer is: He needs to reverse the order of operations.

When solving an equation, the goal is to isolate the variable, in this case 'n'. To do that, we need to perform the reverse of the operations that are being done to 'n'.

In the equation 8 + 3n = 20, we can see that 8 is added to 3n. To undo this addition and isolate 'n', we need to perform the opposite operation, which is subtraction.

By subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation, we eliminate the 8 from the left side and leave just 3n. On the right side, we have 20 - 8 = 12.

So now we have: 3n = 12.

This step allows us to get closer to solving for 'n' by simplifying and making it easier to work with.