Jonny is solving this equation for n 8+3n=20 his first step is to subtract 8 from both sides of the equation why

8 is attached to 3n by subtraction
8 is the first term in the equation
He needs to reverse the order of operations
He needs to follow the order of operations

None of the given reasons are accurate.

The actual reason why Jonny subtracts 8 from both sides of the equation is to isolate the variable, n, on one side of the equation. By subtracting 8 from both sides, the equation becomes:

8 - 8 + 3n = 20 - 8

This simplifies to:

3n = 12

Now, Jonny can solve for n by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

3n/3 = 12/3

This simplifies to:

n = 4

Subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation is a step in solving for n, but the reasoning behind it is to isolate the variable, not for any of the given reasons.