Describe whole life insurance.(1 point) Responses It is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexibility on how to invest the cash value of the policy. It is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexibility on how to invest the cash value of the policy. It is a common permanent life insurance policy, which lasts as long as the premiums continue to be paid, and the death benefit remains constant for the length of the policy. It is a common permanent life insurance policy, which lasts as long as the premiums continue to be paid, and the death benefit remains constant for the length of the policy. It is sponsored by the employer as part of benefits and provides protection to an employee while they cannot work and therefore cannot earn an income. It is sponsored by the employer as part of benefits and provides protection to an employee while they cannot work and therefore cannot earn an income. It covers the employee’s income and medical costs when they are hurt on the job and therefore are unable to work for a long time.

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers a death benefit that remains constant for the duration of the policy, as long as the premiums continue to be paid. This policy also has a cash value component that grows over time and can be invested, providing flexibility to policyholders. It is not typically sponsored by employers as part of benefits or designed to cover medical costs or income replacement for work-related injuries.

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance policy that offers flexibility on how to invest the cash value of the policy. It is a common permanent life insurance policy, which lasts as long as the premiums continue to be paid, and the death benefit remains constant for the length of the policy. It provides protection to an individual, usually sponsored by their employer, while they are unable to work and therefore cannot earn an income. Additionally, it covers the employee's income and medical costs if they are injured on the job and unable to work for an extended period of time.

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance policy. It is called "whole" life insurance because it is designed to provide lifelong coverage, as long as the premiums continue to be paid. This means that the policy remains in effect until the insured individual passes away, as long as the premiums are kept up.

One of the main features of whole life insurance is that it has a cash value component. This means that as the policyholder pays premiums, a portion of the premium goes towards the insurance coverage, while the rest goes towards building cash value. The cash value grows over time and can be accessed by the policyholder in various ways, such as through loans or withdrawals.

Another characteristic of whole life insurance is that the death benefit remains constant for the length of the policy. This means that the amount of money paid out to beneficiaries upon the insured individual's death does not change.

Whole life insurance offers some flexibility when it comes to investing the cash value. Policyholders typically have the option to choose how the cash value is invested, with options such as stocks, bonds, or a fixed interest rate. This can potentially allow the cash value to grow at a faster rate.

Overall, whole life insurance provides lifelong coverage, a cash value component, and flexibility in investing the cash value. It is considered a common type of permanent life insurance policy.