Which statement best explains the development of free enterprise capitalism? (1 point)

A. • Capitalism was rejected by Enlightenment thinkers, slowing its development.
B. • Capitalism developed over time in response to changes in European society.
C. • Capitalism developed quickly because of the Renaissance.
D. • Capitalism was only developed because of the Industrial Revolution.

The statement that best explains the development of free enterprise capitalism is B. Capitalism developed over time in response to changes in European society.

B. • Capitalism developed over time in response to changes in European society.

To determine the statement that best explains the development of free enterprise capitalism, we need to analyze each option and consider the historical context.

A. • Capitalism was rejected by Enlightenment thinkers, slowing its development.
While some thinkers during the Enlightenment did criticize certain aspects of capitalism, such as wealth inequality, this statement does not accurately reflect the overall influence of Enlightenment thinkers on the development of capitalism. Many Enlightenment philosophers, such as Adam Smith, advocated for free markets and individual economic freedom, which align with the principles of capitalism. Therefore, option A is not the best explanation.

B. • Capitalism developed over time in response to changes in European society.
This statement is a more reasonable explanation. Capitalism evolved gradually over several centuries in response to societal changes in Europe. It emerged as feudalism declined and economic systems shifted towards more market-oriented practices. During this time, rising trade, colonialism, and technological advancements contributed to the development of capitalism. Therefore, option B is a plausible explanation.

C. • Capitalism developed quickly because of the Renaissance.
While the Renaissance brought cultural and intellectual changes in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries, it primarily focused on art, literature, science, and humanism. While the Renaissance contributed to the development of capitalism indirectly through its influence on various aspects of society, it alone did not trigger the rapid development of capitalism. Therefore, option C is not the best explanation.

D. • Capitalism was only developed because of the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century and continued into the 19th century, indeed had a significant impact on the development of capitalism. The advancements in technology, manufacturing, and transportation revolutionized productivity and led to the growth of industries and the emergence of a capitalist economy. However, it is important to note that capitalism had already been developing before the Industrial Revolution, albeit to a lesser extent. Therefore, option D oversimplifies the historical context and is not the best explanation.

Considering these explanations, option B, "• Capitalism developed over time in response to changes in European society," provides the most accurate and comprehensive understanding of the development of free enterprise capitalism.