How did charter colonies compare to proprietary colonies?(1 point)


Charter colonies were given to a person or family, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.
Charter colonies were given to a person or family, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.

Charter colonies were representative, while proprietary colonies were monarchies.
Charter colonies were representative, while proprietary colonies were monarchies.

Charter colonies were granted to businesses, while proprietary colonies were given to a person or family.
Charter colonies were granted to businesses, while proprietary colonies were given to a person or family.

Charter colonies were monarchies, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.

Charter colonies were representative, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.

Charter colonies were given to a person or family, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.

The correct answer is: Charter colonies were given to a person or family, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses.

To understand the difference between charter colonies and proprietary colonies, it is helpful to know what each term means.

A charter colony is a type of colony that was established through a royal charter, which is a legal document issued by a monarch. This charter outlined the rights and privileges of the colony, including its government structure and the powers granted to the colonists. Charter colonies were typically given to individuals or groups of individuals, such as a family or religious organization, who wanted to establish their own colony.

On the other hand, a proprietary colony was a type of colony that was granted to an individual or a business entity, usually called the proprietor, by the English monarch. In this arrangement, the proprietor had ownership and control over the colony, and they were responsible for governing and managing it. Proprietary colonies were often established as a way for the English monarchy to reward loyal supporters or to promote economic interests.

So, charter colonies were given to a person or family, while proprietary colonies were granted to businesses. This key difference in who was granted ownership and control over the colonies affected the way they were governed and managed.