Identify the underlined phrase in the sentence. Mikayla's homeroom teacher, *Mr. Jones*, is very proud of her.

A. prepositional
B. participal
C. gerund
D. appositive

D. appositive

D. appositive

To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence, we can look at the options provided.

A. Prepositional phrase: A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition (e.g., in, on, at) and includes a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition. In this sentence, there is no prepositional phrase.

B. Participial phrase: A participial phrase includes a verb in its present participle (-ing) or past participle (-ed) form, along with its modifiers and complements. In this sentence, there is no participial phrase.

C. Gerund phrase: A gerund phrase consists of a gerund (a verb ending in -ing used as a noun) along with any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, there is no gerund phrase.

D. Appositive phrase: An appositive phrase describes or renames a noun or pronoun that comes immediately before it. In this sentence, the underlined phrase "Mr. Jones" renames the noun "Mikayla's homeroom teacher." Therefore, the underlined phrase is an appositive phrase.

So, the correct answer is D. appositive.