Sarah asks 200 students which flower they like best. If 70 students responded that they like tulips, what percent of the students surveyed said they like tulips?





To calculate the percentage of students who said they like tulips, divide the number of students who like tulips by the total number of students surveyed and multiply by 100.

70/200 * 100 = 35%
Therefore, the correct answer is 35%.

To find the percent of students who said they like tulips, we need to divide the number of students who said they like tulips (70) by the total number of students surveyed (200) and then multiply by 100.

So, (70 / 200) * 100 = 0.35 * 100 = 35%.

Therefore, the correct answer is 35%.

To find the percentage of students who said they like tulips, divide the number of students who like tulips (70) by the total number of students surveyed (200), and then multiply by 100.

Percentage = (Number of students who like tulips / Total number of students surveyed) x 100

So, the calculation would be:

Percentage = (70 / 200) x 100

Simplifying this expression:

Percentage = 0.35 x 100

Thus, the percentage of students surveyed who said they like tulips is 35%. Therefore, the correct answer is 35%.