Read this excerpt from Chapter I of Alice in Wonderland.

Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it and found in it a very small cake, on which the words "EAT ME" were beautifully marked in currants.

Based on your knowledge of the character and details in the text, which of these is the best prediction?

Alice will eat the cake because she wants to hide from the rabbit.
Alice will not eat the cake because she is scared of growing taller.
Alice will eat the cake because she is curious if it will make her grow.
Alice will not eat the cake because she loves the way it looks.

The best prediction is: Alice will eat the cake because she is curious if it will make her grow.

Based on the given details in the text, the best prediction is that Alice will eat the cake because she is curious if it will make her grow. This is suggested by the fact that Alice finds the words "EAT ME" on the cake and is described as being curious.

Based on the given excerpt from Chapter I of Alice in Wonderland, the best prediction is that Alice will eat the cake because she is curious if it will make her grow. The text mentions that the small cake has the words "EAT ME" marked on it, which suggests that it is meant to be eaten. Alice's curiosity is also hinted at by her opening the little glass box and finding the cake. Additionally, there is no mention of Alice wanting to hide from the rabbit or loving the way the cake looks, and being scared of growing taller is not mentioned as a reason for her not to eat the cake.